Westminster City Council has unveiled plans for a network of quiet cycleways linking key destinations in the heart of London.
The ‘Quietways’ routes are signed cycling paths that follow backstreets to avoid busy roads and are set to stretch across the Central London Cycle Grid as part of the Mayor of London’s Cycling Vision.
Quietway routes set to be implemented by Westminster include Sloane Square to Belgravia, Hyde Park to Belgravia and Camden Town to Little Venice.
Westminster City Council has opened a public consultation on the plans and is calling for feedback via its website here.
Seven further Quietway routes will be consulted on following this first round. Westminster City Council is still working to finalise these routes.

Cllr Heather Acton, cabinet member for sustainability and parking, said: ‘The Quietway routes provide an exciting addition to ways of traversing Westminster, making a positive difference to cyclists, as well as all road users and pedestrians - both residents and visitors to Westminster.
‘The new routes will help transform travel in Central London. We are committed to making cycling enjoyable and safe and we hope the new routes will help open the city for more cyclists.’
Included in the plans are details on updating road layouts and improving pedestrian crossings at junctions, repaving and widening of pedestrian footways and the relocation of parking bays.
Subject to design work and consultation, Quietway routes will be implemented by 2016.
The routes are part of Westminster City Council’s £40m Cycling Strategy.
The deadline for responses is 24 July.