A roundabout that gives priority to cyclists and pedestrians has opened in Sheffield.
The ‘Dutch-style’ roundabout, which has zebra crossings at each arm and a one-way segregated cycle track, is the second of its kind of the UK. The first opened in Cambridge in 2020.
Work on Sheffield's new roundabout in the city's West Bar area started in April last year, and was originally due for completion in October 2024.
The chair of Sheffield City Council’s transport, regeneration and climate policy committee, Ben Miskell, said: ‘For too long, people wanting to cross West Bar roundabout to get around the city have had to wait for a gap in the traffic to do so in a safe manner.
‘The changes we are delivering will make it easier for those on foot or on their bike in two fantastic new ways.’
The council said the new features would also ‘manage the speed of traffic using the roundabout, increasing safety for everyone’.
This article first appeared on localgov.co.uk.
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