A campaign group is seeking contributions to a checklist that can assess new housing in terms of how well it avoids car-dependency.
Transport for New Homes, which campaigns to bring transport and planning together to ensure that residents can walk, cycle and use public transport is asking what elements make up a good housing development.
The group has visited and assessed more than 20 housing developments. Last year it published a report on its findings and it has also published a charter setting out six principles.
It says it hopes its checklist ‘will be used by a wide variety of people, and at the Local Plan stage of planning, not just when applications are made’.
The checklist can also be used to score existing housing developments.
‘The development should have easy access to direct and frequent bus routes, for instance. Others are often forgotten: cycle routes should not end at the site boundary but should join up with a wider network. Homes should have secure, easy-to-access bike storage.’
As the group develops its checklist it is appealing to its network of planners, politicians and professionals, academics, campaigners and local residents or input.
You can read the draft Checklist and use an online form to make suggestions.
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