Transport for London (TfL) has upgraded its online planning tool with a range of new data for housing and business developments.
The WebCAT tool system shows how well-connected a location is in transport terms, including cycling infrastructure as well as public transport.
The new tool maps both public transport and cycle links
Alex Williams, TfL’s acting managing director of planning, said: `London's planners have a huge challenge ahead of them and WebCAT is a great toolkit which has already provided them with lots of useful data.
‘We have now upgraded it to include a variety of new features, such as how many jobs and schools are nearby. This means that a wider range of people, for example property developers or residents, can now use it to find out more about specific locations in London and help plan what London will look like in the future.'
As well as previously released information such as the levels of public transport by location and journey time, the latest version of WebCAT now includes:
- heat maps that show how well-connected an area is, not only by public transport but now also by cycling infrastructure
- travel times from any location in London - now including the number of people, jobs, town centres, health services and schools within specified travel time bands.
- new comparisons between different scenarios such as cycling and public transport on today's transport network and that of the future.
The upgraded tool lets users see how many town centres, GP surgeries, Accident and Emergency departments and schools are reachable from a selected location. It has also been updated to include population and employment information, helping to show, for example, how many jobs can be reached from a selected location by public transport.
With this data, planners can assess the viability of new housing and shopping developments by showing how many people are within a short or long commute.
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