Transport for London (TfL) has secured planning permission for a new development that it said will deliver 852 new homes for rent and sale, including 50% affordable housing.
The scheme alongside Bollo Lane in Acton has been given the go-ahead by Ealing Council.
The masterplan, designed in collaboration with Mott MacDonald and architects HOK and East, covers a 3.6 hectare site and spans from Acton Town station in the north to the level crossing towards Chiswick.
TfL said the development is its largest to date and will provide 852 new homes spread over nine buildings, with a mixture of one, two and three-bedroom properties.
The affordable homes will consist of a combination of homes available at a range of affordable rents, such as discounted market rent and London Affordable Rent, and shared ownership properties.
Jonathan Cornelius, head of property development at TfL, said: ‘The proposals have been designed to reflect the area's heritage and context, such as the Grade II-listed station next to it, and will bring hundreds of much-needed homes to this part of London.
'The scheme has also been designed to benefit the local community with welcoming green spaces, improvements to pedestrian and cycling facilities and new commercial opportunities for local businesses.’
Source: TfL
TfL said the proximity of the site to Acton Town, Chiswick Park and South Acton stations means new residents will have easy links to central London with the Piccadilly, District and London Overground lines.
It added that this access, combined with a number of bus routes serving the area, enables new residents to travel sustainably with ease.
According to the transport authority, the area around the new homes has been designed to deliver 'long-term positive change and sustainability for the local community'. As well as looking to incorporate renewable energy systems, such as solar panels, the designs include multiple gardens and new play spaces.
TfL said the local community will also benefit from improvements to the area that will make it easier for them to travel sustainably, whether by bike or foot.
The designs incorporate a new continuous, widened footpath alongside the west side of Bollo Lane, which TfL said will make it easier and safer to walk along.
It added that it will be made easier to cross the road with new crossing points, which will include tactile paving and dropped kerbs to support those with accessibility needs. The designs also allow for the provision of a new cycle zone, alongside new cycle parking.
The proposals form part of TfL's wider housing programme. It said it will be submitting applications for thousands more homes during 2021.
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