E-scooter provider Zwings has announced it is pulling out of Sunderland due to repeated acts of vandalism.
Zwings recently won the tender to operate the e-scooter trial in the city.
However, it said cases of vandalism were higher than expected resulting in ‘significant financial losses’.
Careful now
COO Stephen Bee said: ‘We are deeply disappointed to be leaving Sunderland. The city council has shown great support for our e-scooter service throughout.
‘I would like to thank Sunderland City Council for their support and input for the re-launch of the e-scooter trial. Sadly, we are unable to bear the costs of vandalism and operate a financially sustainable operation.
‘We will be communicating fully to our riders and will be reimbursing any outstanding passes or credits. This will not affect our operations in any other UK cities, which will continue as normal.’
Zwing took over from the provider Neuron, which pulled out due to increasing energy costs.
Sunderland City Council’s executive director of city development, Peter McIntyre, commented: ‘It’s regrettable that a minority of people have been unable to respect or treat e-scooters correctly and so they have spoilt this opportunity to continue the service.
'We would like to thank Zwings for their work this year and we respect their decision.’
This story first appeared on localgov.co.uk.
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