A highway authority is to remove a Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) scheme that it said ‘has not been popular with many residents’, despite the scheme having ‘largely had the impact it was meant to have’.
Warrington Borough Council said the trial LTN was introduced in Westy, Latchford in June 2022 in response to concerns raised by local residents during consultations around traffic levels, road safety, air pollution and the quality of streets.
It said the LTN was aimed at cutting down on the number of cars moving through residential streets, reducing air and noise pollution and increasing safety for pedestrians and cyclists, and was put in place on a trial basis, to enable it to gather evidence and data and listen to public feedback.
It added that throughout the trial, it engaged with local people through a range of channels, and had now produced an initial report on the impact of the scheme and the results of a consultation that took place in the spring.
‘While the data shows that the LTN has largely had the impact it was meant to have, it has not been popular with many residents, with the large majority of people who took part in the consultation saying that they want it to be removed.
‘Therefore, the council will proceed with the removal of the LTN, with the temporary wooden planters to be taken away in the near future.’
The council’s cabinet member for transportation, highways and public realm, Hans Mundry, said: ‘We knew that there were a number of cases of where these types of scheme have worked – particularly in areas of London. Indeed, the data and evidence we have collected during the Westy LTN trial period shows that the scheme has had many of the desired outcomes.
‘However, we also know that schemes which aim to change common travel habits can be unpopular and can ultimately inconvenience some people.
‘While the fundamental purpose of LTNs is to create a cleaner, greener and safer environment, there has been much controversy and debate over their implementation, nationally, in recent months.
‘The strong opposition against the Westy LTN is something that we have seen reflected in other LTN schemes in different parts of the country. This strength of feeling in Warrington has been a key factor in our decision to remove the scheme.’
He added: ‘With government funding now withdrawn for new LTN schemes, it’s about looking to the future and identifying new ways of cutting the number of cars on our roads, reducing air pollution and protecting the health of our people and our planet. This work will continue and will need to be shaped by national guidance, policy and legislation.’
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