Six councils have successfully bid for a share of a £6.5m fund aimed at making cycling ‘the natural choice’ of transport.
Birmingham, Manchester, Bristol, Cambridge, Leeds and Norwich have all won a share of the funding.
The Department for Transport announced last February that Cycle Ambition Cities would be able to bid for Whitehall funding to trial new schemes aimed at improving road safety and creating more bike-friendly areas.
To date, seven winning Cycle Ambition City bids have been identified receiving a total of £7m between them.
‘I want us to become a nation of cyclists, and to make cycling a natural choice for people of all ages and backgrounds,’ said cycling minister Jesse Norman.
‘While Britain has some of the safest roads in the world, we want to encourage still more people to take up cycling. This funding, as part of our overall cycling and walking strategy, will help local councils to make their roads safer for everyone.’
This is part of the Department for Transport’s cycling and walking investment strategy, launched in April 2017, which outlines how the £1.2bn of funding available over the period to 2021 will be spent.
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