Police in east Cheshire have launched an investigation into allegations that the council manipulated air quality data.
Cheshire East Council apologised last month after admitting that its air quality figures had been deliberately tampered with for two years.
In a statement, the local authority said ‘deliberate and systematic manipulation’ of the data from its air quality monitoring stations around the country took place between 2012 and 2014.
This week the council confirmed that the allegations had been referred to Cheshire Constabulary as part of its work to ‘address these concerns thoroughly and transparently'.
In addition, the council has referred to the police concerns about allocation of public funds in making a grant to Berkeley Academy and also concerns about land purchases.
‘It is vital that these serious matters are dealt with fully and that if there has been any wrongdoing it is exposed,’ said council leader Rachel Bailey
‘While a police investigation is a serious matter, I would like to reassure residents that the council itself has brought these matters forward in order to put things right.’
‘As these matters are now subject to criminal investigation, we are unable to give more information at this time,’ Cllr Bailey added.
This story first appeared on localgov.co.uk.
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