A new trial to help local authorities tackle loud engines and exhausts on Britain’s noisiest streets has been launched by the Government.
Four areas across England and Wales will receive funding to test how new noise camera technology can stop rowdy motorists from revving their engines or using illegal exhausts.
Marton Szeles / shutterstock.com
The technology - which is in design stage - can automatically detect when vehicles are breaking legal noise requirements, providing local authorities and the police with more targeted and efficient enforcement methods.
Transport secretary Grant Shapps said: 'We want those in Britain’s noisiest streets, who are kept up at night by unbearable revving engines and noisy exhausts, to come forward with the help of volunteer areas to test and perfect the latest innovative technology.
'For too long, rowdy drivers have been able to get away with disturbing our communities with illegal noisy vehicles. It’s time we clamp down on this nuisance, banish the boy racer and restore peace and quiet to local streets.'
Research shows noise pollution can have significant impacts on physical and mental health for local residents and is linked to heart attacks, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and stress.
This article first appeared on localgov.co.uk.
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