A man in Wiltshire has built a convincing replica of a speed camera in an attempt to stop drivers hurtling through his quiet village.
Chris Fawcett has been angered by drivers speeding through the village of Shrewton for the last two years after a redesign of the Stonehenge visitors centre saw a key road closed causing sat navs to divert drivers through the 30mph village.
Last year a prototype wooden fake camera of his was burnt down by an unknown vandal and a second had to be removed after threats of legal action from Wiltshire Council, which complained the camera was on their land.
Speed cameras in the county were switched off five years ago amid budget cuts.
Mr Fawcett told the Daily Mail: ‘It is extremely important. These little village roads now are terrible for speeding. And the volume of traffic nowadays, it is horrendous.’
The latest camera has been up for several weeks now.
A Wiltshire Council spokesperson said: ‘We advise any community which has concerns over speeding issues to bring the matter to the attention of their local parish council and area board in the first instance. Area boards have been established and enable local communities to raise and prioritise local issues, and provide a mechanism for these issues to be addressed.
‘Following on from the success of community speed watch, the council is also about to introduce a new approach whereby local parish and town councils can run their own speed indicator device programmes to further deter speeding.
‘In the wider context, the Government’s commitment to dual the A303 past Stonehenge will result in a substantial reduction in the amount of traffic avoiding existing queues and delays by diverting onto the local road network.’