A group of MPs have called on the Government to provide further details on its proposed Shared Prosperity Fund.
The MPs have warned that no details have been published yet about the fund, which is due to replace the European Structural and Investment Fund (ESI) at the start of 2021.
Cardiff Bay
The chairs of the Housing, Communities and Local Government, and Northern Ireland, Scottish, and Welsh Affairs Committees have called for answers on potential timetabling and whether the cost of the Covid-19 crisis will be reflected in financial allocations.
In a letter to housing secretary Robert Jenrick, the MPs wrote: 'Given the impact of COVID-19 on the UK economy, a smooth transition to an effective Shared Prosperity Fund is now more vital than ever. However, with just months to go, the Government has yet to publish any firm proposals.
'Ministerial updates, both in the Chamber and at Select Committees, have lacked some of the details which we would have hoped for.'
This story first appeared on localgov.co.uk.
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