A judicial review of plans for a riverside development that includes a passenger cruise liner terminal will delay the project and the benefits it offers, Greenwich council has said.
The High Court yesterday granted a full judicial review of the council’s decision to give planning approval to the development at Enderby Wharf in East Greenwich, which would include London’s first international cruise liner terminal and 263 new homes.
Residents' groups opposing the terminal had argued that pollution from ships and additional traffic would worsen air quality in the capital and prevent it complying with EU legal limits.
In a statement, Greenwich Council said: ‘The Royal Borough is fully committed to improving air quality in the borough and before approving the cruise liner terminal commissioned independent consultants to carry out detailed air dispersion modelling. The Council considers that the air quality assessments were robust and suitable and sufficient to inform the planning decision. Our air quality measures were subjected to independent scrutiny by the Mayor of London before he gave final approval to the scheme.
‘The Council is therefore disappointed at yesterday’s decision, which will create delays to the project and delays to the benefits that it offers both for Greenwich and the capital, through new homes, jobs, retail space, improved public realm and a new skills centre. Above all, the scheme offers an important boost for tourism, which is one of the largest sectors in the local economy.’
The four leading candidates in next month’s election to succeed Boris Johnson as London mayor are reported to oppose the terminal.
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