Leeds City Council plans to spend a further £6.5m on extending its cycle superhighway scheme.
The council’s executive board will discuss proposals for the next stage of the CityConnect superhighway on Wednesday (8 February).
A cyclist on the existing CityConnect route
A successful bid to the Government’s Cycling City Ambition Grant secured new funding for further infrastructure improvements in West Yorkshire and York, with Leeds scooping £6.5m
The cash will allow work to start on CityConnect2, which will eventually deliver an extra 10 kilometres of segregated cycle lanes.
The project features junction designs to accommodate cyclists, segregated cycle crossings, cycleway bypassing of bus stops, cycling priority on side roads and clear signage.
Cllr Richard Lewis, executive member for regeneration, transport and planning, said: ‘These plans form part of our long-term transport strategy to make it easier to get around the city.
‘We know that there is no quick-win but it is important we invest now in order to encourage safe cycling and walking and the wide range of benefits these would bring, including reducing congestion and ultimately improving air quality across the city, now and in the future.’
The council said over 100,000 trips have been on the original 23-kilometre superhighway since it opened in June.
If approved, the development of CityConnect2 would be carried out in phases as funding becomes available.
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