London mayor Sadiq Khan has announced plans for a new ‘checker scheme’ that will help motorists identify — and avoid — the most polluting vehicles.
The new online ‘cleaner vehicle checker’, which Mr Khan said was the first of its kind, will be launched in the autumn and include test results for new car and van models on the market.
Some polluting vehicles are easier to identify than others
It will clearly and more accurately detail the emissions cars produce on London’s roads, freeing purchasers from having to rely on potentially unreliable official testing, the mayor’s office said.
Mr Khan made the announcement today as he met with the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, and representatives from major car manufacturers to discuss the need for tougher Euro standard testing and a switch to zero and ultra-low emission vehicles.
‘My scheme will put an end to the smoke and mirrors that have been employed in official emissions tests,’ said Mr Khan.
‘It will provide Londoners with an honest, accurate and independent evaluation of the emissions of most new cars and vans on our roads and on the showroom forecourt.
‘By having “on the road” testing I believe we will help Londoners make an informed choice and incentivise manufacturers to build cleaner vehicles sooner.
‘This scheme is also a fantastic example of how big cities around the world can pool their expertise and their influence to encourage big industry to clean up its act.
‘The toxicity of the air in London and many other big cities is an outrage, and schemes of the type we are introducing in London and Paris have the potential to make a massive difference to the quality of the air we all breathe.’
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