Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) has outlined plans for the next 25 years as it takes control of more powers from government and meets the challenges of rapid growth.
The Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040, which has been released on a 12 week public consultation, puts development at its heart, stating that connectivity can act as a ‘catalyst for new development and regeneration’ but only if it is planned in tandem with ‘a wider economic, social and environmental programme’.
Building on the planned devolution of powers and funding for transport, strategic planning and housing investment to the city under the Greater Manchester Agreement, local leaders aim to base development around ‘more compact urban development patterns…focused in areas with good public transport’.
City planners suggest the area will need at least 200,000 new homes by 2040 to support anticipated economic and population growth as projections estimate the population will exceed 3 million by 2040.
‘A new long-term Spatial Framework for Greater Manchester is being developed to identify the scale and likely spatial distribution of housing and employment growth across the conurbation. The spatial plan will support delivery of the Greater Manchester Strategy, to enable sustainable economic growth and a more inclusive society. A more accessible and efficient transport system requires compact and mixed-use urban development, focused in and around existing town centres and the regional centre, where possible, to support regeneration,’ the document states.
It also adds there will need to be a major shift from car use to public transport and active travel to prevent congestion undermining growth and hints that parking charges could be hiked to help facilitate the shift.
Managing the supply and cost of parking in and around the city centre 'will be critical’ to managing capacity, the document states.
Alongside a shopping list of planned schemes including HS2 and the £15bn to £20bn Transport for the North investment proposals, the document also outlines ambitious targets.
Greater Manchester is committed to a 48% reduction in carbon emissions by 2020 (from 1990) and by 2040 a major expansion of low emission vehicles is expected to continue to support a cleaner city.
Leaders will also work towards ‘eradicating road deaths in Greater Manchester over the period to 2040, focusing on the most vulnerable road users: pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and young drivers’.
For further details see here