The Department for Transport (DfT) has announced the schemes that will benefit from the first tranche of £220m to tackle pinch points on the Strategic Road Network.
The new schemes costing £110m include junction upgrades, roundabout improvements and better traffic signalling.
Highways England opened a new stretch of the A556 this week
They include two larger projects, costing £15m each, that will create an unbroken stretch of dual carriageway on the A69 between Hexham and Newcastle.
A further £14m will go towards creating a new junction on the M11 to provide another route into Harlow, which the DfT said would unlock housing developments as well as cutting journey times.
The DfT said the traffic hotspots had been ‘identified by transport secretary Chris Grayling’.
‘These schemes announced today will provide quick relief to millions of drivers and save them from getting stuck in traffic.’
Of the schemes announced so far, £6.4m are in the North West, £44.8m in Yorkshire and the North East, £9.9m in the Midlands, £11.6m in the South East, £19.7m in the South West and £14.4m in the East.
The total regional allocations for the £220m announced in the Autumn Statement to tackle pinch-points on Highways England roads are: £27.4m for the North West, £63m for Yorkshire and the North East £23.9m for the Midlands, £53.2m for the South East, £32.1m for the South West and £16.8m for the East.
The DfT said details of the remaining £110m will be revealed at a later date.
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