People in Northern Ireland would walk more regularly if the weather was better, according to a new survey that also found that the majority of workers drive to work on their own.
According to the Travel Survey for Northern Ireland Additional Tables report for 2013-15, 63% of respondents took a walk lasting at least 20 minutes once a week or more, with a further 9% walking this length of time at least once a month.
The sun doesn't always shine in Belfast
Asked what would encourage them to walk more often, respondents’ most popular answer was ‘Better weather’ (28%). People were also asked what made them feel unsafe when walking by the road and the top reason given was ‘No footpath’ (37%).
The most popular answer from cyclists asked what would encourage them to cycle more often was ‘More cycle lanes’ (38%). Asked what made them feel unsafe when cycling on the road, the top reasons given by cyclists were ‘Heavy traffic’ (55%) and ‘Motorists driving without consideration of cyclists’ (51%).
One quarter of respondents (25%) had cycled in the last 12 months. Nearly half of these (48%) cycled once a week or more and an additional 23% cycled at least once a month.
Over four fifths of respondents (82%) travelled to work by car or van. Of these, 80% drove to work on their own, while a further 15% travelled to work with only one other person in the vehicle.
Just over two fifths (42%) of people asked how satisfied they were with public transport services that operate near their home said they did not use local public transport. Of those who did use local public transport, three quarters (75%) said they were satisfied with them.
Respondents were asked what improvements would encourage them to use local public transport services more often. The most popular improvement was 'Cheaper fares' (28%), followed by 'More frequent weekend services' (19%).
Just under a fifth (18%) of respondents said nothing would encourage them to use local public transport more often, although another 11% said no improvements were necessary.
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