Dundee City Council is proposing to spend at least 5% of its annual roads and transportation budget on cycling as it aims to double the number of journeys made by bike in five years.
The council’s new strategy, which will be put to councillors on its City Development Committee on Monday (27 June), also includes a new permanent post of cycling development officer.
A view of Dundee from the harbour
The document reveals that only 1% of journeys in the city are currently made by bike, which it says is nearly a third less than the Scottish average and half the level achieved in Edinburgh.
The strategy sets a target of a 200% increase in the number of journeys made by bike by 2026, with an interim target of a 100% increase by 2021.
The council issued a draft strategy for public consultation last October and said feedback from individuals and organisations was largely positive, resulting in a number of minor changes.
Cllr Bill Campbell, the committee’s deputy convener, said: ‘This document comes as the culmination of a considerable amount of consultation, discussion and engagement with cyclists across the city.
‘The strategy recognises the importance that the council places on cycling as a regular form of travel and exercise for many people and looks to ensure that is developed in future years.’
The strategy recommends ‘a reprofiling of the Council’s revenue and capital expenditure to ensure that cycling and walking attracts a minimum 5% share of total roads and transportation expenditure’.
The post of cycling development officer, which will help achieve the targets in the strategy will initially be part funded from external sources, including Cycling Scotland and the Scottish Government’s Smarter Choices Smarter Places Fund.
The UK Government is currently consulting on a draft Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy for England, which includes a commitment to spend £300m during the current Parliament.
However, this figure includes funding that is not ringfenced for cycling and walking, such as the Sustainable Transport Transition Year Revenue Competition.
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