Oxfordshire has been given a £6.2m funding boost from the Government to help unlock 15,000 new homes and improvements to local transport in Didcot Garden Town.
The money will be used by South Oxfordshire District Council to accelerate the delivery of Didcot’s Northern Perimeter Road, relieving pressure on local transport networks.
Housing and planning minister, Alok Sharma, said: ‘This £6.2m funding is excellent news for the Oxfordshire area, promising to boost local growth and turbo-charge the delivery of thousands of new homes.’
Councillor John Cotton, leader of South Oxfordshire district council, added: ‘The district council made a commitment to residents in Didcot that the Garden Town project would deliver infrastructure. So I’m really pleased that we are able to fund the completion of the Northern Perimeter Road - a project that has been sat waiting for years.’
This story first appeared on localgov.co.uk.
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