Children in Leeds will soon be travelling to school on scooters instead of in cars as part of the council’s push to clean up the city’s air.
Leeds City Council is rolling out scooters, scooter storage and scooter training across primary schools in a move aimed at reducing the number of cars making the school run.
The scheme aims to improve air quality around the primary schools and help Leeds reach national air quality targets as soon as possible.
‘This new scheme means a breath of fresh air for children in Leeds – both figuratively and literally,’ said Cllr James Lewis, Leeds City Council executive board member for sustainability and the environment.
‘Instead of a boring drive to class, children will now be able to safely scoot to school with their friends and parents instead, which is a lot more fun!
‘We’re planning to target thirty schools where we think the scheme will be most effective.
‘However, if the scheme proves popular and successful at tackling local air pollution we could expand the scheme to even more schools.’
This story first appeared on
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