Council launches traffic safety scheme in UK first


Wandsworth council in London has launched a pilot scheme that will see drivers fined by the local authority if they speed in a 20mph zone.

The first scheme of its kind in the UK, the new road safety campaign will focus on two busy residential roads in the borough – Wimbledon Park Road and Priory Lane – where locals have complained about speeding.

Council leader Simon Hogg said: ‘Speeding traffic is one of the biggest sources of complaints we receive from our residents. Ensuring drivers stick to the 20mph limit not only improves safety levels and encourages more people to walk or cycle, it helps reduce harmful emissions too.

‘Until now, only the Metropolitan Police have had powers to enforce speed limits, but they tend to concentrate their resources on main roads and dual carriageways, whereas most of the complaints we receive are about people driving too fast along quieter residential streets.

‘Our pilot scheme will focus on two residential roads where excessive speeds are known to be an issue.

'If judged a success, we will look to make it permanent and carry out enforcement in other parts of the borough where we know vehicle speeds are excessive.’

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