Campaigners are taking Lambeth Council to court over a new low traffic neighbourhood (LTN) scheme in West Dulwich.
The West Dulwich Action Group (WDAG) is asking the High Court to force the council to scrap the planned LTN, arguing that most residents have rejected the scheme.
The court documents highlight how Lambeth’s own consultation found 67.5% of those asked ‘were either unhappy or very unhappy’ with the LTN, according to the Telegraph.
The campaigners cited the Department for Transport’s draft guidance on LTNs, which states: ‘Ensuring engagement is representative and inclusive of all the community and their views is key to securing strong local support.’
However, this draft guidance was never finalised and was published as part of the Conservative government's Plan for Drivers alongside research that found little evidence of widespread opposition to LTNs.
A Lambeth Council spokesperson responded: ‘We have thoroughly engaged with the local community throughout, and there will be further opportunities for local people to feedback during the course of the trial.’
This article was first published on
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