Shadow home secretary Diane Abbott has apologised for drinking a Marks and Spencer mojito on public transport in London.
A photograph of Ms Abbott sipping from the canned drink was published on The Sun’s website on Friday.
In 2008, Transport for London (TfL) introduced an alcohol ban on all public transport in the capital.
Ms Abbott tweeted: 'A photo of me drinking from a can of M&S mojito on the Overground has been circulated. I'm sincerely sorry for drinking on TFL.'
In the replies to the tweet, her choice of drink was one topic of discussion.
Rylan Clark-Neal advised: ‘Try the pornstar martini next time, it’s lovely, really compliments the district line’.
Fellow Labour MP David Lammy also replied: ‘Jah Rastafarai! Why was the rum not Jamaican?’
Others were clearly in favour of Ms Abbott’s choice, as many M&S branches have experienced a surge in demand for the drink, with several stores selling out over the weekend.
The event ‘Sipping a cheeky mojito on the overground’ has also been set up on Facebook, to which 40,000 people have registered their interest. Fortunately, it is not scheduled to take place until 22 June, which should give M&S the chance to restock.
Mick Neville, a retired Scotland Yard detective inspector, is unlikely to attend. In his opinion: 'London’s got enough problems without senior politicians drinking on trains.'
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