The new Queensferry Crossing across the Forth will finally open at the end of August, the Scottish Government has announced.
Economy secretary Keith Brown also announced details of an opportunity for the public to walk across the new structure before it becomes a motorway with no pedestrian access.
Mr Brown said the Forth Replacement Crossing will open to traffic on 30 August and will then close to allow the public to take part in a ‘once in a lifetime’ chance to walk over the new bridge on 2 and 3 September .
Transport Scotland said the bridge will transition to a motorway once the final public transport links to the north of the existing Forth Road Bridge are completed, with full details to be provided in the coming weeks.
The crossing was originally due to open in December 2016 but the opening has twice been put back. Meeting workers from both the current project and veterans of the construction of the Forth Road Bridge at the Queensferry Crossing, Mr Brown said: ‘It is fitting to be able to make this announcement alongside some of those who built the Forth Road Bridge and those who are building the Queensferry Crossing.
‘What is being achieved on the Forth today, like what was achieved 53 years ago, is a testament to the expertise and the endeavour of those who have designed and built these bridges.’
Michael Martin, project director for the consortium building the Queensferry Crossing, Forth Crossing Bridge Constructors (FCBC) said: ‘The Queensferry Crossing is one of the world’s great bridges. It’s the largest bridge of its type and its fast track design and construction has presented many challenges.’
There are 50,000 spaces available to cross the bridge through a ballot – the Queensferry Crossing Experience: that runs until 12 noon on Wednesday July 5.
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