Three West Midlands councils are seeking contractors for a new construction framework that could be worth up to £1.4bn over four years.
The Constructing West Midlands 2 — Construction Framework covers a range of construction types including transport, infrastructure and public realm. Participating councils are Solihull MBC, Sandwell MBC and Birmingham City Council through its construction and property company, Acivico.
Regeneration works in Birmingham
According to a prior information notice (PIN) published by the bodies, the main areas of activity may include new build work, extensions, improvements, renovations, reinstatement, repairs, mechanical, electrical, services and infrastructure works and may also include design and other services as required to develop and construct the works.
The PIN states that it is intended that real estate services and major civil engineering works will not be delivered as exclusive or stand-alone projects, only as part of enabling or complementary works aligned with an appropriate project.
The framework is split into two lots.
- Lot 1 covers works between £250,000 and £5m and has a total estimated value of between £200m and £400m.
- Lot 2 covers works over £5m with no upper threshold but has a total estimated value of between £400m and £1bn.
Bidders for Lot 1 are expected to demonstrate an annual turnover in excess of £10m, which rises to £50m for Lot 2.
The contract notice is due to be issued on 7 October.
It is anticipated that four contractors will be appointed to each lot from shortlists of eight. Both lots are to run for 48 months.
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