Why Advertise?

Launched in 2013, transport-network.co.uk is renowned as the trusted, independent voice of Transportation and Mobility. We provide vital information every day in a clear, unbiased format, covering all the current issues and updates for the Transport sector.

Backed up by our established Highways magazine, covering the infrastructure, construction and maintenance of the UK Road network, Transport Network covers the Transportation itself, discussing the technology and transport planning needed to keep people and goods moving around the UK.

The Transport Network team send on average two weekly-dedicated e-Newsletters to over 20,000 Transportation subscribers, including central and local government, as well as numerous companies operating in the private sector, highlighting the top stories of that week for Transport.

This is an exciting time to be involved in this market, thanks to new government legislation and the drive to build new and smarter infrastructure, develop public realm and highways planning, and find innovative, radical, sector-changing ideas for transport.

You can sign up to receive these for Transport Network here

This website receives on average over 30,000 page views each month, so why not book some space to include your branding or marketing messages on our e-newsletters, or, place your advert on this dedicated website, or even both.

For more information on the opportunities available, please contact:

Craig Donovan
Transport Portfolio Divisional Director
Tel: +44 (0)7860 493360
Email: c.donovan@hgluk.com