Nottingham members back new Trent bridge


Nottingham councillors have given the green light to what will be the first new crossing built over the River Trent in the city in more than 60 years.

The pedestrian and cycle Waterside Bridge will link Trent Basin to the south bank of the river close to the Hook nature reserve in Rushcliffe.

The proposed Waterside Bridge.

Consultancy firm Pick Everard will deliver the £12m bridge project alongside infrastructure group Balfour Beatty.

It will be funded from the Department for Transport (DfT) Transforming Cities Fund.

Speaking at the Nottingham City Council meeting, Cllr Pavlos Kotsonis, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture, described the proposed bridge as a ‘great development’.

‘The beneficiaries would be the walkers, the runners, the cyclists, the residents of Trent Basin, the residents that live in the county.’

‘No council money is being used for this particular development. It is great and it is about our vision for the city as well. It ties in with our ambition to become Carbon Neutral by 2028,’ he added.

The plans will now be considered by Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Planning Committee.

This story first appeared on

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