The (last) Weekly Cartoon


This is a sad occasion for Transport Network as we bid goodbye to our master cartoonist, Rhiannon Rees. She is moving on to bigger things but our team will not forget her wonderful humour, skill and sense of fun.

Her last cartoon is a modern take on Marilyn Monroe's subway scene, following the news that Buckinghamshire is getting smart with pavements.

And see below for her Top 5 classics…


Go Rees Lightning:

Number 5

Pub quiz...on a train?



Number 4

Black cabs or Uber? Who is your money on?




Number 3

This 'May the 4th' sees Han and Chewie face their toughest challenge yet - bank holiday traffic.




Han: Stop talking about the Kessel Run and just tell me if we can turn off at Juntion 5.


Number 2

Has anyone dope tested Herbie?



Number 1

They'll make you hopping mad!


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