TfL releases new guidance on safe and inclusive roadworks


Transport for London (TfL) has released a new guidance handbook on safe roadworks following the successful prosecution of Cadent Gas for a series of unsafe works.

The utility company was ordered to pay a fine of £40,000 after 'failing to provide suitable alternative walkways when footpaths were closed, [and] forcing people to walk out into the road, close to busy traffic'.

Road works should be well-signed and inclusive

'Cadent Gas failed to use barrier systems at Kingsland Road and North Circular Road between April and June last year, which protect people walking and cycling from traffic,' TfL said.

The utility company runs the UK’s largest gas network and pleaded guilty to two offences of failing to provide adequate signing and guarding in the course of the works.

In addition to the £40,000 fine issued at the Westminster Magistrates’ court, Cadent was ordered to cover TfL’s costs of £11,909.

TfL's Temporary Traffic Management Handbook

The handbook aims to give all companies 'clear guidance and innovative ideas' on how to keep people safe around roadworks.

Between 2005 and 2017, 99 people were killed or seriously injured near roadworks on the TfL's road network, the transport authority said.

The guidance takes account of vulnerable road users and also helps the reliability of buses and the accessibility of bus stops.

TfL's Lane Rental scheme - which charges a 'rent' on road space for roadworks - was introduced in 2012.

Since then there has been a 194% increase in companies working at the same site, at the same time and a 31% rise in planned utility works at night.

'Around 65 schemes, such as mapping below-ground utility services, robotic technology and training to promote efficiency in on-site working practices have already received a share of almost £17m in Lane Rental funding,' TfL said.

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