Sheffield CAZ delayed until 2023


Sheffield City Council has announced that the launch of its Clean Air Zone (CAZ) will be delayed until 2023.

The CAZ had originally been intended to be implemented no later than the end of 2022. However, the new launch date takes into account the latest information with regards to infrastructure, mobilisation and testing.

‘The early 2023 go live date for the CAZ takes into account up to date timescales associated with the installation of infrastructure, mobilisation and testing to ensure a successful launch,’ a council spokesperson explained.

‘Our latest implementation programme has been developed as part of the detailed work to finalise the Full Business Case that will be submitted to Government for formal approval of our Clean Air Zone plans.

‘The current timescales represent the shortest possible time for implementation and therefore the shortest possible timescales for achieving compliant levels of air quality (Nitrogen Dioxide) across the city.’

This article originally appeared on LAPV.

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