Oxon park and ride site built without access road


Oxfordshire County Council has almost finished work on an 850-space park and ride site, but funding problems mean it will not be in use for years.

As part of wider plans to improve the A40, an anticipated £51m will be spent on a park and ride scheme in Eynsham, which will include new bus lanes to improve public transport services into Oxford from the west.

Image: Oxfordshire County Council

However, ‘funding pressures’ mean the wider A40 scheme has been delayed and must be re-planned, leaving the park and ride site with no access road and no connecting bus lanes.

Oxfordshire CC said it was talking to Homes England and the Department for Transport, which are funding the scheme, to agree a way forward.

Amid the hold-up, the local authority said it made a ‘conscious decision’ to go ahead with constructing the park and ride site to protect against future inflation.

While the site should be complete in May, the council said the park and ride scheme will not run until 2026 or 2027.

This article first appeared on localgov.co.uk.

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