New CIHT president Sims to lead by example


The Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT) has announced the election of Deborah Sims as its president for 2021/22.

Ms Sims is a senior lecturer in the School of Engineering at the University of Greenwich, and a chartered engineer with over 25 years of experience in road safety engineering, highway design, asset management and maintenance.


The theme for her presidential year is ‘Route to Professionalism’ and the CIHT said that during the next 12 months it ‘will highlight just what it means to be a professional and the benefits of embracing continual improvement and enhanced professional ethics’.

Ms Sims outlined her theme and plans for the year via an online video address at CIHT’s Presidential Inauguration event on Wednesday (22 June).

She said: ‘It is a great personal honour to be elected as President of CIHT, and the last 12 months have shown how important it is to be part of an active community. As a professional body we have a unique responsibility for the development of our members and the reputation of our sector.

‘Today marks International Women in Engineering Day and we must do more to encourage children and young people to think about careers in engineering, highway engineering, and transport. To me it is particularly important that girls and young women consider these careers.

‘Careers in highways and transportation are varied, exciting and interesting. To develop solutions which fully meet the needs of the people we serve, we need full representation in our industry from men, women and indeed all sectors of the community.’

The CIHT said Ms Sims, who is a STEM Ambassador, will focus on supporting its core business over the next few months, which will see many new activities and initiatives emerge including a call for more professionals to sign up as STEM ambassadors and increased support for CIHT members’ professional development.

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