Levy on plastic bags to fund recycling plant

London Councils has proposed introducing a capital-wide levy on plastic bags as part of a range of environmental measures to be consolidated into the 10th London Local Authorities Bill.

Under the measures approved by London Councils this week, the capital’s boroughs would use income raised from a plastic bag levy – possibly 10p per bag – to help pay for new waste and recycling facilities.

Other proposed measures include granting new powers to install charging points for electric vehicles, and strengthening borough powers to remove street clutter, such as lights and traffic signs that could be fixed to buildings.

The measures have been proposed by London’s local authorities and will now be drafted as the 10th London Local Authorities Bill, which will begin its parliamentary progress at the end of November.

London Councils chairman, Cllr Merrick Cockell, said: ‘The measures proposed for the 10th LLA Bill demonstrate our commitment to working with our communities to improve life in the capital. ‘The Bill will particularly highlight our ambition to provide leadership on environmental issues. The proposals for a plastic bag levy or borough-led charging points for electric vehicles underline our commitment to addressing these concerns.’

Allowing decriminalised enforcement of cycle lanes and advanced stop areas at traffic lights has also been proposed.

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