Charity calls for more 20mph near schools


A road safety charity has called on local authorities to implement 20mph speed limits around all schools.

More than a third (36%) of parents and carers say they don’t walk their children to school every day because roads are too busy, new research from the charity Brake has found.

The study, which received responses from over 2,000 parents and carers, also revealed a quarter of respondents don’t walk their children to school every day because cars go too fast.

Nearly two-thirds (64%) say their school doesn’t have 20mph speed limits on all surrounding roads.

Responding to the charity, Cllr Linda Taylor, Transport spokesperson for the Local Government Association (LGA), said: ‘Many have introduced traffic calming measures including speed restrictions, School Streets, enforcement cameras and crossing patrols to ensure those walking and cycling to schools can do so safely.

‘It is up to each individual council to introduce measures based on their own local needs taking into account the views of the school, police and local residents. Speed limits exist for a reason and road users must observe them to keep children and parents safe.’

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