ADEPT wams over supply chain cost rises


Place directors have warned of a ‘perfect storm’ as supply chain pressures mount up on local government.

COVID-19, a shortage of lorry drivers, global supply chain issues and the Ukraine crisis have led to unforeseen price increases across a range of council service areas.

Rising fuel costs have hit waste, highways and transport contracts while council directors have reported increasing construction supply costs, with a number of early warnings on current schemes.

Directors have now called for financial support to mitigate the impact of rising energy and fuel costs as they desperately try to avoid cutting services.

Responding to a survey by ADEPT, one place director called for a review of capital grant to ‘reflect the impact of inflation, particularly on building projects such as schools’.

Second vice-president of ADEPT Sue Halliwell said councils were faced with a range of unappealing options, including delaying capital programmes, freezing recruitment and cutting services.

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