£11m to create Low Emission Neighbourhoods in London


London mayor Sadiq Khan has unveiled a £11m cash pot to help develop five ‘Low Emission Neighbourhoods’ (LENs), with tough new anti-pollution measures.

New penalties for the most polluting vehicles, car-free days, and parking reserved for the cleanest vehicles could be brought in under the plans, which cover eight boroughs and will come into full effect by the start of 2019.

The proposals include better management of taxi ranks

The move is a rapid expansion of the two LENs already proposed under former mayor Boris Johnson. Mr Khan boosted the scheme’s funding from £2m to £11m – comprising £5m from Transport for London and £6m from the boroughs.

Mr Khan, said: ‘Make no mistake: London is in the midst of an air quality crisis. Air pollution is permanently affecting children’s lung development and nearly 10,000 Londoners are dying early every year due to the long-term exposure of London’s dirty air.

‘The action we are taking in the capital is vital, but it’s imperative that our ambition is matched by ministers. That’s why I’m also calling on Government ministers to put in place incentives for people to switch to low-emission vehicles, as well as providing London with additional powers and funding to help tackle this public health crisis.’

The five Low Emissions Neighbourhoods proposals include:

· Westminster – The Marylebone LEN proposals include better management of taxi ranks, improving building emissions and an electric vehicle delivery scheme in conjunction with UPS, consolidating freight delivery to cut down on vehicles on the road.

· Hackney, Islington and Tower Hamlets – The City Fringe Low Emissions Neighbourhood proposal includes tree planting, improved pavements and cycle routes for active travel, and parking spaces for the sole use of the cleanest vehicles.

· City of London – The Barbican Low Emission Neighbourhood proposal includes no-idling zones where stationary vehicles must turn off their engines, restricted access to certain streets for all but the cleanest vehicles and green taxi ranks.

· Greenwich – The Town Centre and Trafalgar Road Low Emissions Neighbourhood proposal includes a series of car-free days in the town centre and an extensive series of mini parks throughout the area.

· Redbridge and Newham – The Ilford Garden Junction Low Emission Neighbourhood proposal includes a green barrier between the road and pavement to reduce pedestrians’ exposure to fumes.

Mr Khan also announced earlier this month a consultation on tough anti-pollution proposals including a ‘T Charge’ from 2017 for the most polluting vehicles entering central London and the extension of the Ultra-Low Emission Zone by 2020 or earlier.


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